Personal Injury

Everyone knows about this one.  A lot of lawyers will try to sub-categorize this area of the law so their websites get greater keyword visibility on search engines. Their regular list of lingo goes along the lines of dog bites, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, car accidents, wrongful death, drain bamage… you get the point.  It’s all the same thing–PERSONAL INJURY (PI)!  You start with an insurance claim, and if you’re unable to settle with insurance or if insurance coverage is lacking, the next stage is litigation: filing a lawsuit in court and performing discovery, i.e., long exchanges of written and oral information between the two parties involved in the accident.  Of course, many other categories of the law involve these same concepts, but the two-step “Insurance, then litigation” process is supremely prevalent in PI.

As the dollar outcome of each PI case is heavily fact-centric, Robert is unashamedly selective about which cases he will accept.  Unfortunately, and based on prior statistics, Robert is more likely to reject prospective PI cases than to accept them.  Still, consultations by appointment are welcome.

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